Friday, April 17, 2009

Week 14

What A Week this has been! I am happy that it is over! :) One more full week and then finals...I have had lots of projects/reports due and I think I am about to go crazy!! With a smile on my face I am happily going to all my classes... well I am off to finish up on a paper!! Good luck to everyone these next few weeks!!!

Here is some pictures I put together of my sister and her baby girl using comic life!! SO FUN!! ;)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Week 13

Okay so this has been a tough week. I have had an ear infection that won't seem to go away leaving me up ALL night in pain. I have tried to make it to a couple classes but still the pain won't go away. The Doc said the meds should start effecting it with in 48 hours until then I am just going to enjoy the terrible ear throbbing. The is a BIG next couple of weeks, seeing that every one of my teachers has assigned tons of homework. Oh well, I just take it one day at a time!!
Back to bed I go ear ache and all!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Week 11 and 12

The time is flying by I can't seem to keep up! I blink and spring break had come to an I am working on getting the energy to get back into school mode!! Only three more classes pure class= 1 month left to go and then I am out of school until the baby is 3mo old!! :) I am looking forward to the break. School is going surprising good! Although I am a little worried about my next several assignments due for my tech. class online!! There is so much work to due for one class it is a bit overwhelming. Oh well, I have made it this far I just have to keep going!

Cheers to another long week at Concordia,


Monday, March 16, 2009

Week 10 Reflection

Week 10 was a lot of small work to keep me thinking and writing about. I can honestly say I am happy that it is now a part of my past and I am moving on to week 11. Although it has been nice to have homework to do while I wait out the rainy weather that never seems to stop. Also this week we got the baby room painted, bought a crib, changing table and dresser.
Lots to do, but soon school will be out and life will be moving along.
But as for now school is great and I am feeling good about my classes and not feeling behind like normally!!! (I drew this picture during work one day :) Wishing I was at the beach and not inside!!!**
Well I am off and back to work!!
Cheers until next week,

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Week 9 Reflection

Week Nine is done, I can't believe it!! This week felt slow but I think it was because I had a lot little assignments due that took up so much of my time. I think what it is also is the fact that I am tiered more than normal due to the pregnancy. I use to be able to work and then straight to school and still have energy by the time I got home around 9:30 pm, now I am ready to go home at five after work so that just makes it hard to sit through night class and pay close attention....but I am making it happen and am blessed to have so much support from my husband. I am looking forward to sleep during spring break!! :) Well I am off to buy a baby crib and take Sophie to OMSI for the day.
Cheers until next week,

Monday, March 2, 2009

Reflection on Week 7 and 8

So the weeks are flying by and I can't seem to keep up with it all!! School has been good except for my music class that I feel so lost in!! Music is not my strong point! :) I love it I just can't seem to play it! Other than that class, my other classes have been going strong and keeping me on my toes! I am looking forward to spring break! :) There is not much to say for week 7 and 8 because not a lot happened.
Cheers until next week!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Reflecion on Week 6

Well, I am happy to say I have made it through week 6 and am still alive to see start week 7! The week wasn't as hard as I thought it might be going into it, instead my teachers seem to have been pretty laid back with homework and lectures! My cold has ended and my nose it back to feeling normal again! Although, I am tired and can see the end of the tunnel and that is exciting to me! The term has been swiftly moving by me allowing my to breath in between so I can't complain.
Now I am ready to embrace the 7th week of school with flying colors!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Week 5 Reflection

Okay so I made it through another week of work, school, and family!! YIPPEEEE!! Off on a good start for week six except for the fact that I am fighting a nasty cold and my poor nose feels like it want's to fall off from being rubbed too much!! I probably look like I could light up a room with how red my nose is at the moment! Oh well, it is nothing I haven't gone through before. Another year, another cold! :0) As for school though, this week will be a freak out moment I think, only because I have tons of homework and it is all time consumming. My head can only handle so much at a time. I can do it, I can do it, I can do it! This is what I keep telling myself in fact I think I might go ahead and write that on my mirror so when I wake up to face another day "BOOM" there is slapping me in the face letting me know I CAN DO IT!
Well until another fun filled reflection written by me, cheers!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Week 4 Review

Classes are starting to become crazy...but not too crazy where I want to drop everything and yell! ;) Just a lot going on in life, in fact if I had to do college over again I would have finished the first time I started 7 years ago simply because I was young with less responsibility. However, I did live a little life and traveled for awhile so that by the time I came back to school I knew what it was I wanted to do, so I guess I have that going for me. My step-daughter went to church camp this weekend so I have had some time to play catch up on this weeks homework. She is so much fun so on the weekends it is hard not to want to spend as much time as possible with her...during the week I work until 5 then go to school until 8:50 M-Th and it is hard to spend time together with her and my husband hence, why weekends are so important. Anyways, here is a picture of my sweet family plus one in the belly!!! :) Enjoy.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Week 2 Reflection

These last couple weeks have been challenging and stressful ever since I found out my husband and I are going to have a baby. I went from working full time and school full time to now thinking about the up coming events that come when welcoming a new baby. Don't get me wrong I am overly joyed to have a child, I just felt unprepared, tired already from life's demands, and looking forward to spending time with my husband and my 10 year old step-daughter as much as possible on weekends. I am excited for the challenge of taking one more thing on in life but feel my body doesn't agree with me :). If my body had it it's way then I would be in bed all day with water beside me and crackers to ease my nausea. I am trying not to stress about school, work, family, etc. but finding it at times to be very hard. I know lots of people finish school and raise a family I guess I was just hoping to be ahead of the game a little...but as my mother likes to tell me..."there is never a time when you are going to feel ahead so enjoy what you are given." So with that said, I will enjoy this semester as much as possible and pray for time to breath in between the cracks of life.

Using Blogs in the Classroom

In the article "Don't Feed the Trolls - Using Blogs to Teach Civil Discourse" I agree that blogs should be apart of a classroom and a way to interact with the students on a level that will interest them. I think that the author had a great point when she states, "...blogs give the students the ability to read and comment on each others drafts." I can see how this would be important for students to learn how to create their own ideas and thoughts by learning to give feedback on a topic or others responses. However, I also likes how the author brought up rules that need to be set so that feeling weren't hurt by name calling, etc. Rules are a good way to set boundaries for students to learn how to write an appropriate response vs. an inappropriate response.
I liked the blog on math as well. I thought it was an interesting way to stay connected with their students along with a way for other students to help each other.

I think it will be fun to incorporate blogs into my third grade class. I would like to make blogs a fun way to get feedback on my teaching along with ideas my students might have on homework, projects, reports, etc. Third graders along with many other age students already spend lots of time on the computer as is -- so why not use a blog that gives them a fun way to interact outside of the classroom with their teacher and their fellow students. This would also be a great way for parents to see what is going on in their child's classroom through out each week.


Hilary D. Edwards
I am hoping to become a third grade Teacher
My favorite animal is a baby tiger because when I was a child I was able to feed one a bottle after he had lost his mother at an early age.